Upon sign-up, the volunteer/participant/agent automatically agrees to the following:
Participant – the person participating in the activity organized by Wild Lab Projects, either run by the Foundation itself or by a partner operator. Another term that is interchangeable with this is Volunteer.
Donor – the person or institution donating specifically to the activities organized by Wild Lab Projects or generally to the Foundation, this can be the participant or a third party, such as an agency or group leader.
Activity – keyword used to describe our projects.
Representative – Includes all of our team members including our employees, trainees, project leaders, field researchers, hired service persons.
Sign-up as a volunteer
1. A sign-up is only confirmed when Wild Lab Projects receive a confirmation from the volunteer. In the instance that the sign-up comes from a partner agent, the sign-up can be confirmed in writing to our email.
2. The agent, who is making the sign-up, is responsible for sharing these Terms and Conditions, Assumption of Risk and Liability Release, and Privacy Policy with all participants in the activities included in their sign-up.
1. All donations to www.wildlabprojects.org are in Norwegian kroner. The donations may cover costs related to a specific activity or general costs of Wild Lab Projects.
2. Donations are strictly non-refundable.
Unexpected costs
Delays may occur. Wild Lab Projects will under no circumstance be liable to cover any costs related to delays if we are late because of traffic, road works, accidents, bad weather, avalanches, sudden illness or other unexpected events that may affect the project’s research fieldwork activity. In the case of such an event and delay, Wild Lab Projects is not responsible for missed flights, missed signed-up activities or any other kind of loss.
Cancellations, transfers and non-attendance for direct sign-ups
The following applies to Wild Lab Projects’ activities only. Each activity operated by a partner provider will come under their terms and conditions. Please contact us directly and we can share our partner operators’ latest Terms and Conditions.
Cancellation Policy
Wild Lab Projects are not liable due to participants or volunteers change of mind, illness, delay, non-attendance or other circumstance, including environmental conditions that are outside Wild Lab Projects’ control and outside Wild Lab Projects’ activities.
– Participants must have their own travel insurance.
– If environmental conditions are deemed unsafe by Wild Lab Projects then Wild Lab Projects will cancel the activity. If possible, a new sign-up will be offered.
– Wild Lab Projects reserves the right to cancel the activity if there are less than the minimum number of participants joining who would make the research project activity feasible, for environmental conditions that Wild Lab Projects deems unsafe or other related logistical issues outside of Wild Lab Projects’ control (for example a broken vehicle or illness of field project leader). Wild Lab Projects is not responsible for other expenses volunteers/participants have had while preparing for this activity, for example flight tickets.
– Wild Lab Projects reserve the right to cancel any activity at any moment in the instances that the environmental conditions are becoming unsafe, a participant appears to be unwell or unable to safely and comfortable participate in the activity, a participant displays any behavior deemed aggressive or illegal or in case of illness of Wild Lab Projects representative or other unforeseen logistical issue.
-By signing-up to an activity with Wild Lab Projects all participants are agreeing to our equipment agreement. Any loss or damages to our equipment will be charged to the signed-up participant. To see the entire pricelist for replacement or repair of equipment, please email Wild Lab Projects directly. Any costs involved in retrieving lost equipment will be paid in full by the participant involved. By sign-up for any activity, volunteers are agreeing to these terms.
– Wild Lab Projects provide suitable equipment for each direct activity Wild Lab Projects organizes. The specific equipment Wild Lab Projects provides is in the activity page for each activity. Please note Wild Lab Projects does not provide personal clothing for participants nor can Wild Lab Projects guarantee a perfect fit for all equipment.
-Thermal suits and boots are SAFETY EQUIPMENT necessary for some of the activities for thermal protection and for visibility. Wild Lab Projects recommend these to our winter participants. By signing-up for the activity on the sign-up page participants are agreeing that they understand that this equipment is for safety and Wild Lab Projects is recommending to wear it. Wild Lab Projects has no responsibility for participants who decline equipment or do not ask questions if unsure about how to use the equipment correctly.
-Wild Lab Projects cannot provide the equipment if the volunteer or sign-up agency does not provide Wild Lab Projects with the correct size information or if Wild Lab Projects do not receive this information. There is a simple size guide available on our website.
– If Wild Lab Projects are provided with the incorrect sizes we can not provide the correct equipment.
– If Wild Lab Projects are organized out of or do not have the sizes provided Wild Lab Projects will provide 1 size up or the closest available size.
– Wild Lab Projects will organize transport in most instances for an activity. Any damage incurred to a vehicle by a participant will be billed to the participant. Participants must listen for directions and instructions. Do not slam doors, break seat belts or leave food inside the vehicle. Other behavior that can result in damage is also not permitted.
Health and medicine
Wild Lab Projects and Wild Lab Projects’ representatives have the right to refuse any participants to join activities if deemed the activity/ies are too physically and/or to mentally demanding for them. Participants and agents are to assess the ability of participants to participate in the activities before the time of sign-up.
– Wild Lab Projects recommend participants under 18, over 60 or with ANY medical conditions see a doctor and gain medical clearance for participation in activities in the Arctic wilderness before sign-up. Wild Lab Projects reserve the right to ask participants to provide Wild Lab Projects with a medical certificate (in English). All medical certificates are valid for 12 months or if the health of a participant changes.
– No exceptions are made if participants fail to get medical clearance or travel insurance before the penalty period. Wild Lab Projects recommends getting insurance and medical clearance before sign-up activities with Wild Lab Projects.
– By signing-up to an activity with Wild Lab Projects participants are agreeing that they understand and comprehend the type of activity signed-up and the challenges involved. Wild Lab Projects is unable to end or cancel an activity due to a participants’ medical condition or deterioration of health whilst on an activity. Wild Lab Projects agrees to call an AMBULANCE for the participant.
– Participants agree to notify Wild Lab Projects of medical conditions and medications used by the participant.
– Wild Lab Projects have basic first aid equipment in vehicles and Wild Lab Projects carry mobile phones in case of emergency.
– Wild Lab Projects reserved the right to request identification such as a passport or valid photo identification card with personal number approved by Wild Lab Projects. In case of failure to provide the identification, Wild Lab Projects reserves the right to deny participants on activities.
– Age restrictions apply to Wild Lab Projects activities. These are listed on the website for each activity. These are enforced for safety and comfort reasons and because Wild Lab Projects has resources for adults only.
– If a participant is found to be underage before the activity departs all participants on the same sign-up will be denied participation in the activity.
– If a participant is found to be underage Wild Lab Projects and Wild Lab Projects’ representatives are relieved of responsibility and duty of care of all participants on this sign-up. If on activity the Wild Lab Projects representative will call a TAXI for the participants. TAXI is at the cost of the involved participants. Wild Lab Projects has no responsibility or duty of care of the involved participants.
– Bookings must be made by a participant 18 years or older. Young people can participate in Wild Lab Projects activities, but only when accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian. Age restrictions for each activity are on the website.
-Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior and supervision of all minor who have signed-up for the activity. It is not Wild Lab Projects responsibility to babysit, supervise or entertain minors.
Volunteers and Agents’ responsibilities
By signing-up to a Wild Lab Projects activity, participants are agreeing to the below obligations:
- The volunteers and agents are responsible for selecting activities that are suitable according to their interests and abilities as well as the abilities of the participants they sign-up on their behalf. If the volunteer or agent is uncertain, please contact Wild Lab Projects directly, in writing.
- Wild Lab Projects and Wild Lab Projects representatives reserve the right to cancel a participant/s at any point before or during an activity. In the event that a Wild Lab Projects representative chooses to cancel a participant whilst on the activity, Wild Lab Projects agrees to call a taxi for the participant/s and the taxi is at the participants cost.
- To listen carefully to the briefings, directions, instructions and to respect and adhere to the advice given by all Wild Lab Projects representatives.
- To follow all local laws. Wild Lab Projects do not tolerate illegal drug use or any violations of Norwegian Law. The Police and/or ambulance will be contacted if participants are found to be using any substances. The participants surrender their participation on all activities signed-up with Wild Lab Projects.
- Under no circumstances will a participant smoke within 5m of our vehicles, offices, Wild Lab Projects representatives or other participants. Wild Lab Projects has a duty of care of their representatives, failure to respect this will result in the participant/s participation on the activity being canceled immediately. Wild Lab Projects and Wild Lab Projects representatives are relieved of responsibility, liability and duty of care of all participants on this sign-up.
- In the event that a Wild Lab Projects representative chooses to cancel a participant whilst on the activity, Wild Lab Projects agrees to call a taxi for the participant/s and the taxi is at the participants cost.
- All participants are to participate in head counts and roll calls conducted by Wild Lab Projects representatives. This is for group control purposes. Failure to participate will result in the cancellation of the participants sign-up on the activity.
- Participants are to assume conditions may be cold and the walking surfaces slippery, uneven, unstable or otherwise. Participants agree to behave accordingly, dress accordingly and listen for directions. Participants agree that they understand that they are responsible for their own behavior, movements and that the participant must ask for clarification or assistance if required before or during the activity.
- All participants are to ask the Wild Lab Projects representative questions in English if the participant does not know or understand something. By signing-up the participant understand that the Wild Lab Projects representatives do not know how the participant is feeling, if the participant need assistance unless the participant communicates this in English clearly to the Wild Lab Projects representative and the representative confirms they have understood.
- All participants are to ask the Wild Lab Projects representative for assistance or help if it is needed. If the participant is unsure, Wild Lab Projects recommends the participant discuss this.
- If a participant becomes ill, cold or feels unsure, concerned or frightened at any point before or during the activity to make this known to the Wild Lab Projects representative. This way the representative can address and act accordingly. A representative only knows the information that the participant has provided to them. The representative will assume the participants are happy, comfortable and well unless informed otherwise.
- To handle all Wild Lab Projects equipment with care and respect. Any damage or loss of equipment must be paid for by the participant responsible for it. If a volunteer, participant or agent has a question about how to use the equipment, please make this known to the Wild Lab Projects representative.
- Parents/guardians must supervise and be responsible for the behavior of all minors signed-up. Wild Lab Projects must supervise all volunteers but the additional supervision required for minors and their safety must be done by parents/guardians.
- To communicate and treat all other participants and Wild Lab Projects representatives with respect. Unruly, rude, intimidating and/or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. If this is occurring Wild Lab Projects will call the Police or arrange a TAXI for the wrongdoer participant. In this instance the duty of care provided by Wild Lab Projects will be suspended immediately. Wild Lab Projects and Wild Lab Projects representatives are relieved of responsibility, liability and duty of care of all participants related to the wrongdoer participant’s sign-up.
- To treat all equipment and the environment with respect. Absolutely no litter is to be left in the ecosystems and no excessive sound pollution (raised voices for periods of time) is to occur on any activity with Wild Lab Projects. What participants take with them must return with them. Representatives have trash bags in the vehicles for this purpose.
Warranty (activities)
-Wild Lab Projects guarantees participants a project in line with the aspects of the activity that we can control however for aspects we cannot control such as, and not limited to, snow, rain, wind etc., Wild Lab Projects guarantees the activities inclusions listed on our Wild Lab Projects website.
-Wild Lab Projects guarantees that representatives will do their best to find suitable and safe environmental conditions for activities and for a memorable environmental activity.
Documentation and social impact
-All the documents (including photos) provided to you by Wild Lab Projects representatives will remain as Wild Lab Projects’s ownership exclusively. Participants can use the photos for private use only, to share them on social media crediting Wild Lab Projects, on the condition that the watermark remains visible. Participants are permitted to print them for private use only and no commercial use is permitted.
– Using photographic materials to promote any activity that is not strictly related to, and permitted by, Wild Lab Projects or publishing of Wild Lab Projects’ photos in paper media requires Wild Lab Projects’s written permission. Not respecting these terms of conditions will expose the violator to judicial proceedings.
– By signing-up for our activities you are agreeing and consenting to Wild Lab Projects using and distributing the photos as part of communication material. Photos may be used for advertising and promotional purposes in any media Wild Lab Projects or our partner agencies choose. Participants grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use these images for publicity and promotional purposes. If a participant, for some reason does not accept this, let Wild Lab Projects know in writing before the activity and Wild Lab Projects will take this into consideration.
– Wild Lab Projects provides documentation of the activities performed in the context of citizen science fieldwork. In most instances, this includes free web-sized copies of photographs taken on our activities. These will be shared with participants after the project, usually within 5 days. Without the participants email we can not provide the documentation.
– Wild Lab Projects can not guarantee when the documentation will be shared due to illness, injury or unavailable resources such as an internet shortage or the participants email bouncing.
– Wild Lab Projects’ partners may offer the original resolution of photos to be available for sale after the activity as stated on the website. Wild Lab Projects do not sell these photos.
– Photos are watermarked, not cropping of the watermark is permitted.
Limitations of liability
Wild Lab Projects, Wild Lab Projects representatives: guides, photographers, drivers, cooks, all other employees or agents take no responsibility for participants’ negligent or willful acts that lead to their own or others’ death, personal injury, loss, damage, or deterioration of a person or property.
After an activity has commenced, Wild Lab Projects is not responsible of delays or interruptions of the activity due to naturally occurring events, if third party persons or participants need emergency assistance such as road incidents or nature-made accidents, illness within the project group, broken equipment, food poisoning, theft, delays, strikes, terrorism, civil disturbance, government restrictions or other unforeseen events. Wild Lab Projects reserves the right to alter routes, itineraries or timetables without prior notice, should the necessity arise. No liability, responsibility or costs are accepted for losses or expenses due to delays or changes of arrival or departure of flights, cruise ships or other services, injury, illness, injury, incident, strikes, damage, negligence, weather, war or other causes outside the control of Wild Lab Projects. All such losses and expenses are the personal liability of the participant.
Privacy policy
1 The Registrar and Registry Contact
Name: Wild Lab Projects
Org. nr. 930825255 Foretakregisteret
Address: Tranøyveien 3935
9392 Stonglandseidet
Phone: +47 96925726
2 Data Controller
Data controller: Wild Lab Projects
Contact person in matters regarding this Privacy Policy is Iliana Toumpektsi (info@willabprojects.org).
3 Participant Register
The Participant Register deals with the Participants who have signed-up for a project with Wild Lab Projects (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”) directly, or through any agent (i.e. Wandering Owl’s web page). The register is held in the sign-up system the Foundation uses.
4 Purposes and basis for processing
The purpose of handling the Participant’s personal data is for the Foundation to be able to communicate with the volunteer before and after the projects and access needed information relevant for the project the volunteer has signed-up for.
In addition, the use of existing Participants’ personal data is aimed at direct advertising of the activities and projects of the Foundation.
5 Personal data to be processed
Using its Participant Register, the Foundation processes the following Personal participant Information:
– volunteer’s name
– volunteer’s contact information (e-mail address, address and telephone number)
– credit card information related to the donations made
– volunteer’s health related information (if provided by the volunteer, non-obligatory for sign-up)
– country
6 Regular sources of information
Personal information is collected from the participants themselves via an online sign-up system on the Foundation’s web page or agents’.
7 Regular transfers of personal data
Personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties.
Personal Data can be exceptionally transferred to the Foundation’s partners on behalf of the Foundation for the purposes of offering the participant an optional project e.g. in case of cancellation or change of project date. The participant will always be informed about such transfers beforehand.
8 Retention of personal data
The User’s personal data will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes defined in this Policy.
9 Registered Rights
The Participant has the right, at any time, to object to the processing of his/her personal data for direct communication purposes.
In addition, the Participant is entitled, at any time, to demand compliance with applicable data protection laws, namely:
– to receive information regarding the processing of his/her personal data;
– to obtain access to their personal information and verify how this personal data is processed by the Foundation;
– to demand rectification and/or supplementation of erroneous and/or insufficient personal data; – to demand the removal of their personal data;
– to object to the processing of his/her personal data on a basis related to their personal situation, even if the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the Foundation;
– to obtain personal data in a convertible format and transfer such information to another Registrar, provided that this particular Participant has personally supplied his/her personal information to the Foundation; and
– to demand a restriction in the processing of their personal data.
The Participant must submit a request for the implementation of the aforementioned rights, using contact details shown in this document. the Foundation may ask the Participant to specify the details of his/her request in writing and to confirm the Participant’s identity, before processing this request.
10 The right to appeal to the supervisory authority
The Participant has the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority or with the supervisory authority of the EU Member State where the Participant’s place of residence or work is located, if the Registrant considers that the Foundation has not processed the personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.
11 Security
Any digitally processed personal data is protected and stored in the Foundation’s information system, access to which is limited only to persons who need this information for performing their legitimate duties. These individuals have access to their respective personal usernames and passwords.
12 Contacts
Requests for the use of the Participant’s rights, questions concerning this Privacy Policy, and other inquiries should be sent to info@wildlabprojects.org and addressed to the Foundation’s contact person mentioned in section 2.
13 Changes to this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy can be updated from time to time, for example, following changes in legislation. We strive to use all reasonable means to inform the Participant well in advance of any changes and their effects.
Please contact us if anything is unclear or you would like to have more detailed information about the projects. We are happy to answer all questions to make it easy for you to prepare for the projects.
+47 96925726
You can also have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions on our webpage